We are thrilled to announce that DONA International doula trainer Jenn Fontaine will be offering Birth Doula Trainings in 2020. In addition, she will be offering Breastfeeding Education for Doulas, a half-day course that will fulfill the DONA International breastfeeding education requirement for certification. This course is also available to any doula or birth worker seeking to supplement their breastfeeding education knowledge and skill-set.
Ottawa, ON (Location TBD)
Dates: Thursday September 10 (6pm to 9pm); September. 11, 12, and 13 (8:30am to 6:30pm)
Venue: TBD
This training includes:
Birth Doula Training
Childbirth Education Component required for DONA certification
Breastfeeding Component required for DONA certification
Early Bird (registrations before August 15, 2020): $550
Regular Price (registrations after August 15, 2020): $650
Payment options:
E-transfer to Jenn once registration form above has been completed. Your place will not be received until payment is received in full. Please email us if you are in need of a payment plan.
Please refer to the information booklet for a detailed summary of additional training costs including DONA membership, certification packet etc.
Breastfeeding Education for Birth Workers
One of the requirements of DONA certification is to complete a breastfeeding education component. Jenn will also be offering a half-day breastfeeding education workshop that will fulfil the DONA certification requirements. Students who register for the DONA birth doula training workshop are eligible for a discount if they also register for the breastfeeding education workshop. If you would like to register, please select this option on the registration form above, payment accepted separately.
Who is DONA International?
DONA International is the world’s premier doula organisation. They are the oldest, largest and most respected doula association in the world. Their founders are among the foremost experts on doula care, and DONA International certification is a widely respected measure of quality and professionalism. They are an international, non-profit organization of doulas that strives to have every doula trained and educated to provide the highest quality and standards for birth and/or postpartum support to birthing women and their families. To that end, they promote continuing education for doulas and provide a strong communication link among doulas and between doulas, families and the medical birthing community.
They are an amazing community with a shared passion for families that reaches around the world. DONA International doulas and the families they serve are in more than 50 countries.
How do I become DONA Certified? Will I become a certified DONA International doula after doing the 4-day training?
A: We have put together a detailed document outlining all the steps required (and all associated costs) to become certified as a birth doula with DONA International. Please download the document by clicking here. You might also like to check out DONA International’s newly updated comprehensive document; Birth Doula Certification: A Doula’s Guide
Q: Isn’t DONA an American organisation? Why would I want to have an American certification?
A: DONA International’s offices are based in the United States, but it a truly international organisation. DONA International surpassed 10,000 certified birth and postpartum doulas since their founding in 1992, and have over 7,000 members! Their global reach to pregnant and postpartum families continues to grow with members in 50 countries. The DONA International doula certification – CD(DONA) is an internationally-recognized and highly respected certification.
Doulas are slowly, but surely entering the mainstream consciousness of birthing women in New Zealand. More and more women are aware of the benefits of having a doula to support them during their labour (and in the early postpartum period) and are looking to engage one for their birth. While many doulas find that their presence is welcomed and respected in hospitals, that is not always the case. There is still a high degree of misunderstanding on the part of the obstetric medical team that do not understand the doula’s role, and in some cases, doulas experience a blatant, even hostile disregard for their professional services.
It is inevitable that there will eventually become the need for some degree of regulation within the doula profession. Consistency of training, certification and ongoing professional development will all be impacted. It is important to be proactive as a profession and to self-regulate, rather than wait to have regulation forced upon doulas by the medical profession. American doulas have been facing this battle for many years, and DONA International has been the leading force in terms of doula advocacy and recognition. New Zealand doulas who certify with DONA International will have the support of this amazing organisation as well as an international community of like-minded passionate birth workers.
Q: I already have doula certification. What’s the benefit of having DONA International on top of the qualifications I already have?
A: DONA International is the premier doula association. With more than 7,000 birth and postpartum doula members and growing, they are the largest doula association in the world. By offering A DONA International training, we are providing quality training and meaningful certification. DONA International serves mothers and families by providing access to information and research about doulas, childbirth and the postpartum experience. DONA International certification sets the bar for doula education and professional development. It indicates to families that a doula has achieved a high level of training and professionalism.
DONA International has standards of practice and a code of conduct that doulas, hospital staff AND families can count on. Having a certified doula with an international organisation lets people know you have gone through a training process and adhere to these standards of practice. There are professional standards, accountability and continuing education opportunities.
Q: I don’t have any background or training as a doula. Can I still do the DONA training?
A: Most definitely! No prior training or experience is required to attend the training. The 4-day training forms a part of the overall certification process (the rest is self-study and birth support experience) and you will have up to four years to complete all the required study modules.
Q: How much does the DONA training cost?
A: For a comprehensive breakdown of all the associated fees, please download our information booklet.