If you are looking for a private in home childbirth class email, text or call to set up a class.
“I just wanted to write to tell you how much we enjoyed your class. It could have been long but instead it flew by with your great style of presenting and awesome sense of humour! I keep realizing just how much you taught us as I recall different things here and there; I can tell that it really sank in. I will definitely be recommending your class to people I know!”
Topics that are covered:
- Pre-labour
- Signs and stages of labour
- Positioning of baby
- Fear-tension-pain cycle
- Comfort measures
- Hormones
- Pain medication options
- Hospital policies
- Interventions (from IVs to cesarean births)
- Newborn procedures
- Skin to skin
- Breastfeeding
- The first few weeks after birth
Class Options
Option one:
4 hour condensed class
Option two:
2- three hour classes
*All the same topics are covered
*I will bring everything needed for the classes. Posters, iPad with videos, handouts, all things you would find in a full group class!
What people have to say about the classes
“Your tips from class about staying calm and relaxed were perfect and little A joined us completely drug free with a very short and impressive delivery.”
“The educators knowledge of was very obvious and she was excited to teach.”
“Thanks for all of the fantastic informative sessions we have had with you! We have really enjoyed learning about labour and how to handle a baby afterwards. We feel more prepared now and are so grateful to have you with us! ”
“We gained a lot of information and received a new perspective on things we didn’t even think about before.”
“Jenn is clearly someone who cares about the work she does. It is refreshing to take a course that is so well-balanced and informational; most tv shows portray classes where women have the fear of labour instilled and are taught useless breathing exercises. Jenn reinforced the message time and time again that your birth will be what it will be and that the calmer you are the more capable you are to make informed decisions; to trust in your body and the birth process; and, to be supportive of one another, because this is not just about mom and baby, but about dad too.”